The Multi-Purposes and Benefits of Adult Changing Tables 

The Multi-Purposes and Benefits of Adult Changing Tables 

One of the most undervalued tools in the healthcare field is the adult changing table. Simple yet versatile, adult changing tables provide a sturdy platform on which caregivers can perform many tasks for their loved one or patients.

At Patient Safety USA, we are proud to provide adult changing tables and adjustable changing table stations across various industries – providing accessible solutions to communities in hospitals, restaurants, civic centers, airports, sports arenas, public restrooms, schools, and other public places.

With a range of adult changing table options and purposes available out there, learn why Ergonomic adult changing tables are a popular choice for many healthcare venues.

What are the valued benefits of an adult changing table? 

The adult changing table selections at Patient Safety USA are a quality and reliable choice for many places, including hospitals, nursing homes, and retirement communities. It’s no coincidence that Patient Safety USA adult changing tables are seen in so many settings; thanks to their versatility. Adult changing tables are an invaluable tool for caregivers everywhere.

As the name suggests, adult changing tables are used to give various benefits and ease to both the caregiver and patient – they help to redress patients and can be used to change clothes, incontinence aids, or wound care. While most adult changing tables are used for elderly patients, disabled patients of any age – including teens and children – benefit from adult changing tables.

What options are available for adult changing stations? 

A full range of options allows our inventory of adult changing tables to stand out against competitors, and every adult changing table option goes above and beyond to keep both patients and caregivers safe and comfortable.

  • Adjustable headrests offer a relaxing experience for the patient, while height-adjustable models help create ergonomically appropriate workspaces for caregivers.
  • When space is limited, folding adult changing tables maximize floor space when not in use.
  • Adult changing tables are also available in both wall-mounted models and mobile trolleys – meaning caregiving tasks can take place on the go as needed.

With the company’s mission to provide the most efficient and affordable accessibility solutions for communities and public spaces, Patient Safety USA is a proud partner with both Pressalit and Smirthwaite, leading adult changing table manufacturers.

When customization is important, look no further than Patient Safety USA’s range of adult changing table stations and accessories.

Tips for A Comfortable Adult Changing Station Set-Up 

If you’re like us where safety is our number one priority, there are a few tips and helpful changing table accessories that will make your adult changing station as comfortable as possible.

  • Adult changing table safety rails come standard on all models

Our range of adult changing table accessories offers bathing support, including a shower head, mixer tap, and shower head holder for when caregivers bathe patients.

  • Adding splash curtains below the adult changing table keeps caregivers dry while bathing patients.

With help from Patient Safety USA, you can maximize your adult-changing efficiency.

Top-Quality Materials & Helpful Changing Table Features

One of the most important features of a quality piece of Patient Safety USA equipment is its ability to be cleaned and sanitized easily. Our adult changing tables leave little to worry about here.

We supply these adult changing tables made from top-quality polyurethane foam and aluminum, resulting in an easy-to-clean product. These top-of-the-line materials have been chosen for adult changing tables not only for their strength and longevity but also for their ability to stand up against bacteria and a wide range of cleaning products. Additionally, their unique drainage system means patients can be bathed in a completely hygienic manner, and the adult changing table can be easily cleaned after use.

Choose Patient Safety for Your Adult Changing Table & Station 

No matter your needs, Patient Safety USA’s line of adult changing tables is ready to serve you and your patients. We are standing by to help you find an adult changing table solution that compliments your hospital, healthcare facility, public space, or home.

Contact us today to learn more and get started!

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