20 Jan Improve Flexibility and Comfort in Your Kitchen
Patient Safety USA is proud to present Indivo – a flexible and comfortable kitchen by Pressalit Care. Indivo offers a system of height-adjustable kitchen tables and counters, and other lifting units that fit onto worktops and wall cupboards from most kitchen suppliers. These adjustable tables and counters are often used in the kitchen of nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities, but are also perfect for the home and can be used for elderly patients in a wheelchair or with other disabilities.
Indivo height-adjustable kitchen countertop enables both seated people – in a wheelchair or on a work stool – and those standing to comfortably carry out most kitchen tasks. Service and kitchen tools are within easy reach, and functions such as washing, preparation, cooking and frying can be done at an ergonomic and comfortable working height for any patient.
The Indivo series includes three different lift systems: electric and manual systems suitable for daily adjustment, and a bracket system suitable for occasional adjustment. Operating switches can be installed on the hight-adjustable worktops front edge and a hand-held remote control can be provided for easy adjustment. Our manual worktop lifts are also easily height-adjustable using a crank handle. View these different systems here.
Safety is key in a flexible kitchen. Pressalit Care’s Indivo safety systems prevent injuries and ensure all kitchen users are in a safe environment that is designed to suit to each individual’s needs. In the case of worktops, the primary focus is on preventing personal injury to legs and knees, so a pressure-sensitive safety bar is installed under the edge of a worktop. It suspends downward movement if resistance is encountered, and raises 10-30 mm to prevent injury. When a wall cupboard is lowered, the primary risk is damage to equipment
or kitchenware. It is recommended that an appropriate safety system be installed.
The Indivo height-adjustable tables and counters provide a safe and comfortable kitchen for caregivers and patients. Be sure to check out our offering of Indivo height-adjustable kitchen products at Patient Safety here.
Click here to learn more about the Indivo Kitchen in Pressalit Care’s informative product e-brochure.
To get started with your Indivo Kitchen in your home or care facility, please fill out our online Contact Form, or call us directly at (877)-771-3300. We look forward to hearing from you!
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